How Do I Fix My Anterior Pelvic Tilt While Sitting

How Do I Fix My Pelvic Tilt While Sitting?

Do you often have back pain? Or noticed an unnatural posture while sitting or standing? Chances are, it’s a pelvic tilt that is appearing in such a manner or causing the pain.

You might even end up with a curved spine that ultimately will harm your overall health.

But don’t get stressed too soon. First, you need to know more about pelvic tilt, then we’ll go through the steps if you’re wondering how do I fix my pelvic tilt while sitting.

The pelvis is a connected pair of bones that looks like a bowl or something round. It is located in our lower back joint with our spine. It causes health problems due to bad posture. While sitting or standing, you may find difficulties moving around with chronic tilt.

So, let’s discuss how you get rid of this unnatural tilt and get your posture fixed for good.

What is an Anterior Pelvic Tilt?

Our pelvis helps us walk, lift something, run, and many more like these. But what is an anterior pelvic tilt? This is the question we get first.

Anterior pelvic tilt is a posture change when the front bones of the pelvis turn forward and the back bones spin up. 

What is an Anterior Pelvic Tilt

It causes lower back pain, issues in spinal health, and hip muscles are also pulled as they get tighter. When you sit or walk or stay in excess, it causes pelvic tilt. Not being involved in physical activities also causes it.

Are you relating to your situation now?

It might even cause you a visible posture change whereas you look shorter than you really are! That’s because you don’t have your spine up straight in its natural position.

How Do You Know If You Have An Anterior Pelvic Tilt?

Some researchers say the anterior pelvic tilt remains hidden for a long time. Over 86 percent of men and 74 percent of women don’t even get the symptoms of anterior pelvic tilt.

As you can see, not everyone gets to know that they have the issue easily. Therefore, there are some symptoms you can notice to check if you have anterior pelvic tilt.

How Do You Know If You Have An Anterior Pelvic Tilt

Let’s look at the common symptoms – 

  • Lower back pain is the first thing people often notice as the symptom of anterior pelvic tilt.
  • Hip muscles and thighs get tighter because of anterior pelvic tilt, which weakens the muscles and causes pain.
  • Knee pain is also a sign of anterior pelvic tilt.
  • You may get incorrect or improper postures due to anterior pelvic tilt. Because it lifts the connected bones forward and up.

These are the primary signs of anterior pelvic tilt. Don’t ignore these symptoms and once experienced, get them checked soon.

How Does Sitting Affect Anterior Pelvic Tilt?

When you keep sitting for a long time, you don’t stay in the proper position or maintain the perfect posture. You don’t feel comfortable, and sit in our comfortable way or keep changing positions without maintaining a good way.

You don’t think about the pelvic tilt posture. That causes actions in a pelvic tilt. Slowly, this process affects pelvic tilt and causes anterior pelvic tilt.

How Does Sitting Affect Anterior Pelvic Tilt

We don’t usually stretch our bodies while sitting, which is also included here. Again, if your stomach muscles are weak, and you are sitting for so long, it contributes to anterior pelvic tilt.

Hip muscles and thighs get tighter due to sitting as we don’t move much while sitting. That affects anterior pelvic tilt more than anything.

During pregnancy, women gain weight, and they have difficulty sitting. Similarly, people with overweight or fat bellies have the same problem.

Because of this, they can not sit normally as always. That causes anterior pelvic tilt.

How Do I Fix My Anterior Pelvic Tilt While Sitting?

There are some ways to fix the anterior pelvic tilt while sitting. Some exercises are also included here. So, let’s look at the sitting correction first –

How Do I Fix My Anterior Pelvic Tilt While Sitting

1. Practice Repeated Positions

Firstly, you need to sit in a good posture that is comfortable and does not pressure the pelvis. A perfect s-curve is not needed all day long.

Just keep changing your positions in a good posture and walk while sometimes taking a break.

2. Change Sitting Options

You can change your sitting option from chair to bed or couch. Just try to change it for a while, like 15 to 30 minutes. Try to sit on your folded legs.

It will change your sitting, your posture will move, and you will feel comfortable.

This will help you in fixing your anterior pelvic tilt.

3. Move Your Legs and Hips

This is actually very important in regard to pelvic tilt. We don’t usually move our legs or hips while sitting much. Move your legs and hips while sitting.

It doesn’t matter whether you are sitting on a chair, bed, or floor. Just try to move in your comfortable way or stretch your legs.

When you move your legs, your hips will move automatically and this is good for fixing the problem.

4. Pomodoro Technique

Pomodoro technique is taking a small break from work which you can make use of, for fighting pelvic tilt. You can work for 1 hour continuously and then take a break for only 5 minutes.

In these 5 minutes, walk or stretch your body the way you like. It is for making you feel comfortable. If you take this break, you will get good posture while sitting back.

5. Use a Special Chair

Getting a special chair to correct anterior pelvic tilt that can help you maintain a healthy posture. There are so many varieties of pelvic tilt fixing chairs. You can choose according to your needs.

Now, let’s talk about the two most effective exercises to fix anterior pelvic tilt –

1. Planks

Plank will work on your back, strengthen your stomach muscles, and balance the body shape.


  • Lie down reverse on your mat.
  • Keep your hands under your shoulder, paw down.
  • Firm your stomach and thighs strongly.
  • Gradually lift your full body from the mat, put it in a push-up position.
  • Do not hold your breath. Keep breathing slowly and feel the pressure in your stomach muscles.
  • Hold your body like this at least for 60 seconds and much longer if you can.
  • Put your body carefully on the mat.

2. Squats


  • Stand on your feet and keep them a little wider. Toes toward the front.
  • Gradually, push your hips and back, rely on your knees, then shoulder at lower.
  • Then, retain yourself in this position and keep your chest up.
  • Stay for 2-3 seconds and get back to your starting position.
  • Repeat this at least 5-7 times in 2 sets.

These exercises directly help you fix your anterior pelvic tilt. You can keep doing them regularly, and the change will be visible to you.

How To Know It Is The Time To Visit A Doctor?

Anterior pelvic tilt can be solved gradually with some proper steps. But if those steps do not cure it, you should visit a doctor before the pain rises excessively.

Even children and young people have this problem nowadays. Nevertheless, this can not be ignored in any age group. They are in a fast-growing time, so anterior pelvic tilt can cause barriers in their way of growing.

That’s why a doctor’s consultation is a must for them.

Bottom Line

As you’ve been wondering how do I fix my pelvic tilt while sitting, now you should have a clear idea of it. You understand what it is, and what it can cause to your body.

Most of all, now you know the steps to take in order to get rid of the tilt you’re living with. All you need is to follow those instructions mentioned above and keep doing them.

Back pain will be gone and your lower back will be at peace. So, start your planning today, work on it and get a fixed pelvic tilt.


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